Everything Publishing Podcast

Listens: 190


Welcome to the Everything Publishing Podcast, where we talk about everything writers need to know to be successful.


10 years into your writing project? If so, you're certainly not alone. In this episode, Mel, Danica, and Clare get real in a conversation about procra...
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Pitching in a Pandemic

If you're thinking of pitching your book to agents and editors, you're in luck. Publishers are more accessible through social media than ever before. ...
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Publishing an Anthology

Melanie Calahan and Danica Winters discuss the ins and outs of publishing an anthology. Learn why it makes sense to self-publish your anthology, how i...
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Predatory Agents

After hearing a jaw-dropping story from an author about a highly questionable agent,  Melanie Calahan and Danica Winters have a conversation about wha...
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Who are we, anyway?

You might be wondering how it is we (Danica, Clare, and Mel) claim to know so much about the publishing industry. It's a fair question. In this episod...
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Character Growth

Danica Winters, Melissa Tenley, and Clare Wood talk character growth: what makes a good character arc and what does not? If there's one thing everyone...
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Book Cover Design

Clare Wood, Danica Winters, and Melissa Tenley get into conversation about things you should consider when you're ready to put a book cover on your ha...
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