
Listens: 2


I admit it. I am a recovering PERFECTIONIST. Recently, I came to realize this wasn't serving me, my family, or my future. It was time for a change. So, the first thing I changed was my mindset. I am creating a NEW belief system and telling my old ways of doing (or not doing) things that they need to MOVE OVER. "It's not about being THE BEST. It's about being YOUR BEST. It's not about being perfect because...Excellence WORX!!!" For me, being a women of EXCELLENCE is enough. In each episode of this show we will talk about the challenges we face as we, you and I, strive to be EXCELLENT. We will think on "whatever is noble, right, pure, true, lovely, admirable, and excellent/of good rapport." Is something bothering you, keeping you from the dreams you have/had or living the life you know you were created for? We will discover HOW to get there, WHAT will take you there, and WHERE change needs to take place. This isn't meant to be THE BEST show on Excellence. My goal is for this to be MY BEST show with an EXCELLENT audience who participates in EXCELLENT ways. I hope you will join "The Excellence Crusade". . . and even venture with us annually on "The Excellence Cruise". This show is about YOU, so contact me to be a guest.