First Chinese Baptist Church San Gabriel Valley

Listens: 479



Lie #4: “Believe in Yourself”

Through commercials and media, the world around us tells us that we should believe in ourselves. But this lie will not lead us toward life as God crea...
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Lie #4: “Believe in Yourself”

Through commercials and media, the world around us tells us that we should believe in ourselves. But this lie will not lead us toward life as God crea...
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Lie #3: “Follow Your Heart”

Follow our hearts is destructive because our hearts are faulty and deceitful. Because of our sinful nature, our hearts are one of stone but by the gra...
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Lie #3: “Follow Your Heart”

Follow our hearts is destructive because our hearts are faulty and deceitful. Because of our sinful nature, our hearts are one of stone but by the gra...
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