First Presbyterian Church (PCA) Sermons

Listens: 22


Sermons by Pastor Logan Almy

Open Eyes and Burning Hearts

What is life like when our eyes are closed to the resurrection of Jesus? What happens when Jesus opens our eyes and how does he do it?
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The Ancient War

We are celebrating Advent in Revelation 12. This chapter describes the birth of Jesus in light of a cosmic battle between God's people and the great r...
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Elijah - Part 6

Elijah is disappointed, discouraged, and depressed, yet the Lord meets him and reveals his abounding grace
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Elijah - Part 5

Elijah experiences both the triumph and trials of faith. How does God reveal His grace on the mountaintop and in the valley?
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Elijah - Part 5

Elijah experiences both the triumph and trials of faith. How does God reveal His grace on the mountaintop and in the valley?
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Elijah - Part 3

Elijah returns to the land of Israel in order to confront Ahab. In this section of Elijah's life we learn about how to serve God faithfully in a wicke...
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Elijah - Part 2

In dark times, God seeks to strengthen our faith in His Word. As Elijah goes to a widow in Zarephath, we see (1) the sovereign call of faith, (2) the ...
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