Fit Fabulous Forgiven

Listens: 485


Fit Fabulous Forgiven podcast with Sabrina Seidman is designed for women who are destined for excellence in all areas of their life. When we achieve a certain level of success, other priorities like our health, fitness, relationships, hobbies and spirituality tend to suffer. This podcast is to equip women with the tools to feel empowered to have success in all areas of life.

EP 76: Hope For The Holidays

We could all use some extra love, support and hope for this holiday season. Even though Jesus is the reason for the season and he sure does provide an...
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EP 73: Monday Meditation

"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer." Psalm 19:14 Today's episode is a medit...
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EP 72: My Prevention Rx

Prevention, not treatment, is the key to health. COVID-19, cancer, arthritis, IBS, memory loss and chronic pain. I would be shocked if you didn't know...
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EP 70: How To Find The Truth

In this episode I share important factors pertaining to the truth.  Truth vs opinion are very different but often confused, especially in todays socie...
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