Flash Fantasy: The Skeleton Crew

Listens: 217


Join the Skeleton Crew in a Star Wars tabletop adventure set during the Old Republic!

Season 2 Epilogue

Thus ends the adventures of Wes, Sskogga, PAPO, Gordax, Trak, and Bog. Some old friends, some new allies, all a part of the crew.  Thank you for liste...
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Season 2 Finale

Mortis - VI With Bogan defeated and nothing but 1,000 feet of open air beneath the Crew, they fall to their inescapable fate. Will this spell the end ...
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Mortis - V

Having to battle Dr. Drel (AKA Bogan) in a citadel that's quickly filling with molten lava, you could say things are *heating up* for the Skeleton Cre...
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Mortis - IV

Things come to a head as the Crew confronts Dr. Drel in a dark and mysterious citadel. Will they side with him, or choose their own path?  Sskogga tal...
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Mortis - III

With Drel's return, perhaps the Crew can finally get some answers as to where they are what's so important about it. As Drel reveals his ultimate plan...
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Mortis - II

After a strange dream-sequence and out-of-body experience (those happen pretty often, don't they?), the Crew gets their bearings on this strange world...
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Mortis - I

With Coruscant behind them and Dr. Drel's research complete, the Crew sets a course for their final destination.  Gordax prepares some classic Chad cu...
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Coruscant - III

With a murderous agent of the Watcher after Wes's head, the Crew's only option seems to flee the world of Coruscant. The destruction they leave behind...
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Coruscant - II

The Crew gears up to meet the Watcher, Wes's enigmatic employer, but before they can, they have to deal with the hired muscle.  Wes tells of the perks...
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Coruscant - I

Having returned to the city planet of Coruscant, the Crew has some time to take care of their personal matters.  PAPO gets released from service, Ssko...
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