Galway And Friends (占士.高威良朋樂聚)

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Hailed as “the living legend of the flute”, Sir James Galway is a consummate entertainer who has endeared himself to millions of fans worldwide, both in and out of the classical arena. His impeccable showmanship and versatility is on full display in this generous programme of popular classics, movie themes, Irish folk songs and signature tunes. A fabulous cast of musical friends partner him on stage including his wife Lady Jeanne Galway,  City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong, former royal harpist Claire Jones, Hong Kong prodigy pianist Chloe Pak and the Tutti Flutti Flute Ensemble. The programme will be on air in ATV World Channel at 8:00pm on 27 October 2012. 有「長笛活傳奇」之稱的占士‧高威,每次出場總能為觀眾帶來完美的視聽之娛,故此樂迷遍佈全球,數以百萬計,涵蓋古典音樂範疇內外。他無懈可擊的台風、多才多藝的音樂修養,都在《良朋樂聚》中展現無遺。音樂會節目不單包括古典名曲,還有電影主題曲、愛爾蘭民歌,以至替高威揚名立萬的金曲等。為他助陣的樂友,除了本身也是長笛演奏家的高威夫人珍妮,還有香港城市室樂團、前任英國皇室御用豎琴家克萊爾.瓊斯、香港神童鋼琴家白汶芊以及Tutti Flutti長笛合奏團演出,盡是樂壇高手。 節目於2012年10月27日晚上8:00 亞視國際台播出 演出 香港城市室樂團 長笛/客席指揮  占士‧高威          長笛  珍妮‧高威 豎琴  克萊爾‧瓊斯 鋼琴  白汶芊 指揮  石家灃 Tutti Flutti 長笛合奏團   Performers City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong Flute/Guest Conductor Sir James Galway Flute Lady Jeanne Galway Harp Claire Jones Piano Chloe Pak Conductor Gilbert Sak Tutti Flutti Flute Ensemble