Grace from Redeemer

Listens: 25


Grace. An overused word. But it could be a word that rearranges everything. Listen to "Grace from Redeemer" to hear sermons, thoughts on church and life, Bible studies, devotions, and more. All of it focusing on grace. Grace that stretches back into the Bible, back to the cross where God is found and flows into our lives from the church's wisdom, worship and work. Pastor Paul Gregory Alms preaches and teaches and shares his thoughts. Redeemer Lutheran is located in Catawba, NC and serves Catawba County, Sherrills Ford, Troutman, Lake Norman and the surrounding areas. Find out more at

Resuscitation or Resurrection?

Easter is much more than just Jesus being dead and then coming alive again. And the difference has to do with us. Luke 24 is the Scripture. 
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Easter Matters

The resurrection of Jesus changes things. Scriptures: Acts 5:29-30; 1 Peter 3: 3-5 and John 20: 19-31. 
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You Can't Cancel Easter!

In this pandemic we've all been worried about cancelling Easter on April 12th. Turns out its impossible to do. You can't cancel Easter!
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This Life, Eternal Life

Eternal life is not clouds and floating with wings on. It is this life only fulfilled and completed and restored. 
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Should Not Perish

John's Gospel promises that whoever believes in Jesus will not perish. Not perish: a strong promise in these days of death counts. This is the podcast...
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