Grace Hills Church

Listens: 437


Grace Hills Church is gathering a community of broken people who are coming to know Jesus and serving others for God's glory. Listen to recent messages from Pastor Brandon Cox and others.

Peace Like a River

Because of Jesus, we can have peach WITH God, and OF God. This peace is deep, rich, and abiding.
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Speaking Good

James 3:1-15 lays out the responsibility we carry to speak with wisdom because our words are powerful. What if every time we communicated, we kept in ...
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The Bigger Vision

Three questions that may just change your life: What is God doing ahead of you? What does God desire to do around you? How will you join in that visio...
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Three Reminders

In Acts 20, when Paul is saying goodbye to the Ephesian Elders, he passes along three reminders that pertain to anyone who professes to know Christ.
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Searching Together

As followers of Jesus, we must study scripture in order to know Him and become more like Him. Studying the scriptures both individually and together i...
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What Do You Want Me To Do?

Our missionary to Papua New Guinea, BJ Sanders, with a message on the two important questions Saul asked Jesus, and how we should be asking those same...
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