Gracepoint North Church

Listens: 384


The Mission of Gracepoint North is to build a multiplying Gospel-centered community that is faithful to the Great Commandments (Matthew 22:36-40) and the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20).


Date: March 14, 2021Title: Spirit-filledBible Text: Acts 2:1-13Speaker: Pastor Paul Kim
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The Ascension

Date: March 7, 2021Title: The AscensionSeries: Guest SpeakerScripture: Acts 1:1-12Speaker: Andrew Pae
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Date: February 28, 2021Title: ForgivenessBible Text: Matthew 18:21-35Speaker: Pastor Paul Kim
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Marriage: Best Friends

Date: February 14, 2021Title: Best FriendsSeries: MarriageBible Text: Ephesians 5:21-33, Genesis 2:18, 21-25
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Marriage: Our Priority

Date: February 7, 2021Title: Our PrioritySeries: MarriageBible Text: Ephesians 5:21-33Speaker: Pastor Paul Kim
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Marriage: Learning Love

Date: January 31, 2021Title: Learning LoveSeries: MarriageBible Text: Ephesians 5:21-33Speaker: Pastor Paul Kim
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