Growing Under the Word

Listens: 421


Podcasts by Pastor Mike Nasci of Calvary Chapel Estancia Valley (

Mark 1:14-28

Pastor Mike continues the book of Mark reading verse by verse through Mark 1:14-28
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Intro to Mark

Pastor Mike leads us verse by verse through the introduction of the book of Mark
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James 4:13-5:19

Pastor Mike Nasci teaches verse-by-verse though James 4:13-5:19, completing the journey through this life changing book.
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Psalm 121

Pastor Steve takes us through the Psalms: Songs of Ascent
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James 3:13-4:5

Pastor Mike Nasci teaches verse-by-verse through 3:13-4:5, moving through the importance of the motive behind prayer.
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James 3:1-12

Pastor Mike Nasci teaches verse-by-verse through James 3:1-12 and the difficulty of taming the tongue
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