Hacking College

Listens: 8


Zoe Sheeks from Hacking College contemplates the strategies and ideas that the great students use to be successful at college. Learn how to study better, hack your habits to learn more in less time and be more productive, building your personal brand so you can make the most out of your college experience and get the job you want and deserve. Whether you are deciding what steps to make in life or feeling lost in the world this podcast is right for you.

What brings you happiness?

Hi guys! Here is a little quickie episode where I ponder what level my time wasters actually brings me happiness or just pleasure.
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Surviving the end of the semester

You are almost done with the semester. You are holding on to what little energy you have left, but Hacking College is here to help. Here are 10 tips t...
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Making the perfect resume.

Resume is one of the most important items you will make in your life. It has to be just right for a person to want to hire you. Please listen to this ...
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Where does my time go?

Do you feel like there is not enough time in your day? Today we are discussing tips and tricks to help maximize your day to feel productive. So please...
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Top Study Tips for College

Are you having trouble finding the best way to study or staying focused. This podcast is right for you. Today’s episode we will discuss study tips so ...
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Is sleep important?

Welcome to the very first episode to Hacking College! This first episode has a little introduction then brings you into the insight of sleep! I hope y...
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What is Hacking College?

My name is Zoe Sheeks and this is Hacking College where I contemplate the strategies and ideas that the great students use to be successful at college...
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