Happy Math Podcast

Listens: 3


This podcast is about changing your math mindset and improving your ability to teach and learn.

Ep 32: Overcoming Conditioning

Many times when we are trying to make a habit upgrade, we try to do it by just forcing the issue. We make a commitment to ourselves. “I’m going to wor...
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Ep 27: Healing Through Journaling

Journaling can be a form of self-therapy. Today we’ll talk about how to make journaling work for you and why it’s important to remain consistent with ...
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Ep 26: What are you resisting?

Each new chapter of life calls for us to be a different version of ourselves. When we resist change, we feel stuck. Today we’ll talk about how to flip...
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Ep 25: Ways We Protect Ourselves

When we feel vulnerable, we can reach for a fear based thought or a love based thought. When we reach for a fear based thought, we are trying to prote...
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Ep 23: Connecting to Your Power

What are the ways that you connect to you power? What are the things that block you from your power? In this episode, we get into some of the things w...
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