Healthcare and Ethics Podcast Series

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About is a nonprofit located in Ann Arbor (A2), Michigan. We are very interested in talking with people in our community about their views and ideas on the big and small ethical questions in their working lives and in their community now and in the future. In this series, we wonder what should the "care" mean in "health care".

The Doctor Is In: To CHAT

Perhaps you have had a discussion with friends about the best attributes you want in your own doctor.At, we have recently had such a chat...
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HIV / AIDS In Michigan

Jimena Loveluck of the HIV/AIDS Resource Center returns to talk with Bart and Jeanine about the organization, its mission, and the obstacles along the...
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Privacy and the Cancer Patient

Bart and Jeanine discuss ethics in social work and privacy at the Wellness Community, a free program for cancer patients and their families. With Exec...
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