Hindi: A Spoken Thesaurus

Listens: 439


Which word is the best fit for a particular meaning and context? How do I express everyday ideas in colloquial language, avoiding the bookish style found in dictionaries? What’s the actual difference in meaning between the ‘synonyms’ that dictionaries offer? How do I build up phrases and sentences around a particular word? The Hindi Thesaurus addresses such questions in a series of lively, unscripted Hindi-medium conversations about groups of words of related meaning. Concentrating on selected mainstream words and phrases, we help you to broaden your active vocabulary by encountering styles of language appropriate for everyday speech. The conversations are between Rupert Snell (Hindi teacher and perpetual Hindi learner) and Neha Ladha (mother-tongue speaker of Hindi). Glossaries for each podcast can be read online or downloaded in PDF format.

Numbers, Part 3

साढ़े, डेढ़, ढाई, सवा, आधा, पौना, प्रतिशत, फ़ीसदी, दशम-लव, गिनना, हिसाब, रक़म, राशि
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Numbers, Part 2

लाख, करोड़, अरब, पहला, दूसरा, प्रथम, द्वितीय, जोड़, मिलाना, घटाना, अंतर, फ़र्क़, गुणा, गुना, भाग
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Numbers, Part 1

गणित, अंक , आँकड़ा, संख्या, तादाद
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होशियार, समझदार, बुद्धिमान, तेज़, चतुर, विद्वान, ज्ञानी, प्रतिभाशाली, विवेकी, चालाक, चालू
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व्याकुल, बेचैन, बेचैनी, चिंता, फ़िक़्र, परेशानी, कष्ट, दुःख
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अज्ञान, ज्ञान, नासमझ, समझ, मूर्ख, बेवकूफ, बुद्धू, भोला, नादान
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पदार्थ, ठोस, तरल, द्रव्य, धातु, हवा
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निमंत्रण, आमंत्रण, न्यौता, दावत, भोज, बुलाना
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Shopping, Part 2

ग्राहक, विक्रेता, भाव, महंगाई, दाम, ख़र्च, कर, किराया, नीलामी
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Shopping, Part 1

ख़रीदना, बेचना, दुकान, दाम, मोल-भाव, छूट, छुट्टा, मुफ़्त, चुकाना
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