How To Be Comfortable In Your Own Shoes

Listens: 3


Lauren Liebowitz is a comedienne, producer, performer and co-author of "Serious Reservations: A Guide to the Dangers of Fine Dining". Lauren is the co-founder of Empower U!-2 Matrix Seminar and also the "business dynamo" behind Good Vibe Productions. Under the GVP banner, Lauren has produced several projects including "Laughter That Heals", "Harmonic Convergence~Ed Sullivan with a Dash of Cirque du Soleil" and "An Evening of Songs and Patter". Lauren has been through it....after 15 years of wearing one shoe, then another shoe, then another....Lauren has found the perfect fit and is comfortable in her own shoes. Now Lauren wants to help you get through it too. From celebrities to everyday people Lauren will discuss what it takes to find the freedom to be you.