How We Manage Stuff

Listens: 17


An Internet Audio Theatre of the Air

Embisivle Garage

Is a statue a startup if it doesn’t start up in a startup garage? In an effort to answer this question, Josh LaForce and the Stage Manager explore the...
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Embisivle Friend: Securing the Future

“Don’t let your kids take capital from strangers.” It’s the warning that parents should give their kids in Silicon Valley.  But parents may reason “if...
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The Embisivle School

Out Stage is Silicon Valley. Our actors are titans of Industry.   Some titans.  Fictional titans. And some kids who believe that they are titans and t...
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Embisivle Friend: The Job Suits You

Career Management.  But it’s more than that.  Manage plans.  Manage hope.  Manage accomplishments.  And here’s the part you didn’t anticipate:  Manage...
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