Humanoid Resources

Listens: 19


Humanoid Resources is an improvised podcast about the operations of the HR (Humanoid Resources) Department aboard the fictional U.S.S. Spaceship, in the year 2667. A human from 2016, a tiny alien and a robot interview the ship's inhabitants and make funnies. Told through the lens of crazy professors, rogue government agents and sensible graduate assistants finding tapes in the present day, this podcast is worth every penny. Because it's free.

Season 3 Ep. 16: The Garbage

The HR Boys get a visit from Frankenbeans- sentient garbage with a can’t miss offer on a bang-up deal. Meanwhile, the Professor and Danica reckon with...
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Bonus Episode: The Death Gauntlet

Hey, how did the Professor and Danica get out of that Death Gauntlet, anyway? Didn’t we just like…gloss over that? Should we have spent more time on t...
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Season 3 Ep. 13: The Trap

Nothing to see HERE, HR Boys. Certainly not a traaaap sprung by your evil, I mean, friendly friend Captain Drew Butt. Why don’t you come on in and sta...
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Season 3 Ep. 12: The Rock Man

All right team, let’s circle up and try to generate some corporate synergy here. Action item- review this episode where Blim Blammo the Rock Man visit...
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