Ice Queen Speaks

Listens: 14


I speak facts. I speak the truth. Straight from my cold icy heart.

They're Family

Would you keep a negative person in your life just because they're family? Let me know your thoughts on Twitter by following me @SpeaksIce
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DNA Test

When should you get a DNA test? Follow me on Twitter @SpeakIce to let me know your thoughts!
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Sugar Baby Life

Would you be a Sugar Baby? Why or why not? Make sure to AT me on Twitter @SpeaksIce to let me know!
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Close Mouths Don't Get Fed

Welcome back! In today's episode I'm talking about communication and understanding your partners love language. Might be the reason you're single. Mak...
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Double Standards of a Hoe

In today's episode we talk about being a "hoe" and the double standards it carries. Be sure to follow me on Twitter @SpeaksIce to let me know your tho...
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Can Men Be Sluts ?!

Welcome to season 2! The single life. Today's question of the week is "Can Men Be Sluts?!" Follow me on Twitter @SpeaksIce and let me know your though...
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Dating A Dead Beat

I wanna know your experience of dating a dead beat parent and/ or having a child with a dead beat! Follow me on Twitter @SpeaksIce to let me know!
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Marrying The Wrong One

So in today's episode we talk about marrying the wrong one! Have you ever been married, divorced or both? Follow me on Twitter @SpeaksIce &share your ...
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