Immanuel New York Church Podcast

Listens: 8


665 Anderson Ave, Cliffside Park NJ 07010

7/7/2019 Path to the Summit-1

7/7/2019 Path to the Summit-1 말씀의 능력과 창조의 축복 (창1:1, 27-28) “태초에 하나님이 천지를 창조하시니라. ‭하나님이 자기 형상 곧 하나님의 형상대로 사람을 창조하시되 남자와 여자를 창조하시고, 하나님이 그들에게 복을 주시며 그들에...
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12/10/2017 Evangelism studies

You need to actually think about these three things about evangelism. People who love the Gospel, of course, love sharing the Gospel as important. But...
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11.18.2017 Evangelism Studies

Of course, it has to be the place where God’s guidance was. The reason for that was to do healing ministry. I believe that is a good thing. I had the ...
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