
Listens: 3510


Inchoasis is a platform that attempts to capture the experiences of being engaged in psychoanalytic psychotherapy in various, variegated and vaguely defined contexts and through a wide nexus of locations on, off; behind and beyond the analytic couch. Here we talk about the messy, beautiful, astounding and meaningful processes that are currently shaping the present and future of this field through a growing community of thinkers and writers immersed in it. With a blog and a podcast, Inchoasis is a space where we can diffuse some of the mist around the headlight question, ‘Akhir yeh Indian psychoanalysis kya hai?’ (What is Psychoanalysis in India like, anyway?) I want to explore this ginormous inquiry the same way I do everything I love, through stories and ideas. So here, we shall have narratives and reflections of trainees, practitioners, academics, professors, supervisors, patients, caretakers- all those engaged with psychoanalysis in India from a place of curiosity and creativity. The theme track used in this podcast is called 'Spirit of the Girl', by Kevin McLeod. You may find his work on

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Today I have the rare pleasure of welcoming a friend, a colleague, and a possible doppelganger of mine, if I could have a Yoda modelled with my bon...

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With Love, Savi

Today I welcome Savi Khanna, a peer and a friend; a woman and a lover in quest, to speak, to utter her work with, in and through love, politics, an...

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