Inquiring Minds

Listens: 4


Anything and Everything! The Tea and The Good Advice! Relationship, friendships, social media, politics, etc.. LET’S DISCUSS IT ALL

A Bit Of Everything

This episode is very different than the other 3 I have published. Free spirited, real shit, raw language, bold content!
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This episode focuses on friendship as a whole. The good, the bad, the ugly, the toxic, and peace. When is enough, enough? When is it okay to walk away...
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Tonight’s episode actually has two parts! It focuses on: Toxic relationships. Friends being there for you when you are going through hardship. Self Lo...
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Healing While Raising A Child(ren)

This episode is dedicated to the parents who wake up everyday and have to be strong and raise your kid(s) whilst still dealing with your own day to da...
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