Is It On?

Listens: 15


Alice Workman and Lane Sainty from BuzzFeed News take you into the corridors of power at Australian Parliament House to dissect the latest goings on in federal politics.

Episode 42: Cash Wednesday

Michaelia Cash has been reissued with a subpoena for the AWU’s court challenge against the raids on their offices last October. What does it mean (not...
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Episode 41: $7 Bunnings Suits

Here’s one we (partially) recorded earlier! Nick’s filling in for Lane while she’s on holidays.It’s episode two of our Twitter show #BFOzPol LIVE from...
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Episode 39: 29 Not Out

Privyet! Malcolm Turnbull has lost his 29th Newspoll in a row, but somehow the Australian cricket team's had a worse week. Also, foreign minister Juli...
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Episode 38: Dead To Me

Alice faces off against minister Michaelia Cash at a press conference in Parliament House. It only lasted a minute, but was pretty lit. Also, Peter Du...
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Episode 36: BARNA-BYE

Former Kiwi Barnaby Joyce has finally resigned as deputy prime minister and leader of the Nationals… but who will succeed him? Can you even name anoth...
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