It's Your Time To Shine

Listens: 27


A podcast about raising kids in an ever-changing world

Until Next Time…

It’s our last episode of It’s Your Time to Shine and it is one with all the feels. Lisa and Juspreet talk about the struggles of parenting and working...
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Run for Trees

The first 9 weeks of school flew by in our house but only because we have lost all concept of time without the anchors of life that helped break up ou...
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Periods and Puberty

Periods and Puberty  are as normal as the Birds and the Bees, so why does everyone get a little nervous about it ? How did you learn about sex educati...
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Normalizing Our Bodies.

It’s that time of the month, you know shark week, being on the rag, getting a visit from Aunt Flow- we have so many euphemisms for talking about a wom...
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The Pod Effect

As virtual school becomes a more likely start to the 2020 school year, how could pods affect the most vulnerable young minds in our communities? In th...
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To Zoom or not to Zoom

As School districts across the country are having the discussion about what to do when schools open back up. The questions are just as hard as the ans...
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Black Lives Matter-say it

Coach K from Duke’s Basketball said “Black lives matter. Say it. Can’t you say it? Black lives matter. We should be saying it every day. This is not p...
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When is the right time to talk to your child about race, justice and inequalities? In this Episode, Juspreet and Lisa talk about race and privilege. P...
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Please Mute Your Mic

As we continue to settle into the norms of full houses and full schedules while we “Stay Safe at Home”, we are discovering the Joys of “Working Safe a...
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Fueling your fire

How do you energize your routine and your body? What are the best ways to hack your health? Lisa and Juspreet discuss nutrition and getting the best o...
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