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84 lac births

Fresh from oven! Be born again, fresh, new you. Every inhalation is also a new birth- because you dont know which exhalation would be your last. Tune ...
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The Right Question to Ask

If you want to go somewhere, you should know the name of the destination, some details about it. Is life all about just get job, get married, make ...

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People might say with what authority you talk about Gita. I say why not. And Gita is topic of मनन चिंतन निदिध्यास. Plus when you explain something, yo...
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What is Pranayam!?

Gita offers secrets of turning prana-the life force energy into different parts of the body. Tune in now!
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How to meditate!

Sri Krishna gave knowlege of even how to meditate, not just war. Tune in to know how !
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