Kingsview Community Church Podcast

Listens: 34


The Kingsview Podcast features weekly messages recorded live at Kingsview Community Church in Hamilton, Ontario Canada.

Easter Celebration 2020

This year, Easter looked very different for everyone, but thankfully we know and serve a God who doesn't change. And what better way to celebrate this...
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From Frustration To Worship

Being stuck in isolation so easily leads to frustration. And if you thought the Bible had nothing to offer you, just turn to the Psalms. In many, Davi...
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Enduring The Narrow Path

The Bible says, in Romans 5, that Christians are called to "rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; persevera...
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Equipping The Called

We've all heard the story of Jesus calling Peter out of the boat and walking on water. And when Peter doubted, he started to sink. The question is, wh...
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Dead To Sin

In Romans 6, Paul writes that we should "count ourselves as dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus." That "sin shall no longer be our master" be...
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How To Work Out Your Salvation

What does it mean to "work out your salvation in fear and trembling"? Does it mean we're to be terrified all the time? It doesn't make much sense, esp...
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We've All Been Given A Window

We have a very special guest this week as our youth retreat breaks from the norm and concludes as part of our Sunday service. Guest Pastor Scott Murra...
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Fully God & Fully Human

The incarnation of Christ is perhaps the greatest mystery of all time. God the Son became human. Perfect, undying, inexhaustible deity became flesh an...
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While We Were Still Enemies

Even people who've never read a word of the Bible have likely heard the verse "While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." But if you read just ...
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