Less Dumber

Listens: 8


Dive into the world of fascinating facts with 'Less Dumber with Francesca,' your daily podcast for a brain-boosting experience! Every episode, Francesca, a witty and charming host, unveils a mind-blowing fact from the realms of history, science, and much more. Get ready to be entertained and educated as Francesca spins tales from the past, breaks down scientific wonders, and explores the most curious corners of knowledge. Whether it’s a hidden historical anecdote or a scientific phenomenon that makes you go 'wow,' this podcast promises to make you a little less dumber with each listen. Perfect for trivia lovers, inquisitive souls, and anyone who loves a good story with a side of learning. Tune in to 'Less Dumber with Francesca' and start your day with a fact that's as fun as it is fascinating!