Lessons On Life Spoken In A Soothing Indian Accent

Listens: 16


On Life, Parenting and Work from an Immigrant’s Perspective

Diwali Versus Christmas

I tried to get my children just as much into Diwali as they are into Christmas. I learned an important lesson.
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Parents and Our Children

When I didn't have children, I thought that I would have answers to most problems faced by children. But then I became a parent. And I learned differe...
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The Problem With Going Back Home

Nowadays, people all around the world are asking immigrants to "go back home". But what does home really mean? And how (and where) on earth can one re...
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Let the Cookie Crumble

I am a fairly disciplined person. But I am powerless when faced with a bag of cookies. But that's ok. Listen to this episode and learn why it's import...
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How Not To Give A Hoot

I have mixed feelings about wildlife. I feel sorry for polar bears. But I am scared of them. Recently, I came across an owl in my neighborhood. The en...
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The Problem With Bambi

Fifteen years ago, a colleague asked me if she should show her child Bambi -- a great film, but one where a deer loses her mom.  I didn't know how to ...
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