Let My Prayer Arise

Listens: 12


The Psalms have been called the "Hymn Book of the Church" and contain rich and prophetic references to Christ. In this podcast, Fr. Wilbur Ellsworth takes us through the Psalter and helps us to make them the prayer of our hearts.

Psalms of Ascent - Psalm 130 (131)

In his continuing series on the Psalms of Ascent, Fr. Wilbur looks at Psalm 130 (131 in the Hebrew) and says that the higher we rise into union with G...
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Psalms of Ascent - Psalm 121(122)

The Psalm of Ascent associated with the Pre-Sanctified Liturgy during Great Lent is Psalm 121 (122 in the Hebrew) where we "go up" to the House of the...
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