Life Church Omaha - Video

Listens: 12


Life Church Omaha did not begin in a building, but in the hearts of two people who's desire is to make it hard to go to hell from Omaha! The church had it's first two gatherings in a basement, then moved outdoors to a public park. We then relocated to a high school campus and now make Life Church's semi-permanent home at Westside High School. We are determined to build a church that creates a friendly, inviting atmosphere for you and your family. Whether you are single, married, divorced or a grandparent, we believe there is a place for you at Life Church! You will find that each service is unique and relevant to your life with a message from Pastor Dobie that is life changing. We believe in a vision to see our city, region, nation and the world changed!

Dig a Ditch

Pastor John takes us through 2 Kings chapter 3 and how God loves to fill empty things.
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Then the Fire Fell

1 Kings 18 says that after Elijah rebuilt the altar that "then the fire of the Lord fell..." Pastor Dobie challenges us to rebuild the altars in our l...
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Hungry Hungry Hippo

Pastor John concludes the Stop, Look, and Listen series with a challenge to hunger and thirst for righteousness.
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Sticks and Stones

Pastor Dobie continues the Stop, Look, and Listen series with a look at the importance of the words we speak to others and to ourselves.
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