Lilith & Lydia

Listens: 4


A conversation between friends.....made public

Ep4: Cars and Scams

Lilith talks about why she got a new car and Lydia talks about a (possible) scam some high schoolers are running
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Ep4: Cars and Scams

Lilith talks about why she got a new car and Lydia talks about a (possible) scam some high schoolers are running
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Ep2: Lilith Had a Baby????

Lilith and Lydia talk about the time Lil found out she had a fake baby, and the time Lyd got a boyfriend that didn't understand they were broken up.
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Ep2: Lilith Had a Baby????

Lilith and Lydia talk about the time Lil found out she had a fake baby, and the time Lyd got a boyfriend that didn't understand they were broken up.
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