Linear Digressions

Listens: 331


Linear Digressions is a podcast about machine learning and data science. Machine learning is being used to solve a ton of interesting problems, and to accomplish goals that were out of reach even a few short years ago.

Rock the ROC Curve

This is a re-release of an episode that first ran on January 29, 2017. This week: everybody's favorite WWII-era classifier metric! But it's not just f...
Show notes

Criminology and Data Science

This episode features Zach Drake, a working data scientist and PhD candidate in the Criminology, Law and Society program at George Mason University. Z...
Show notes

Convolutional Neural Networks

This is a re-release of an episode that originally aired on April 1, 2018 If you've done image recognition or computer vision tasks with a neural netw...
Show notes