Living Enneagram

Listens: 564


Using the Enneagram as a way to understand yourself and others is transformational if you allow it to be. The Enneagram is a 9 type personality assessment, helping individuals know why they do what they do and what motivates them. Callie Ammons is a certified Enneagram Life Coach and teaches on the Living Enneagram Podcast what it looks like to live with intention and understand yourself. The enneagram teaching brought by Callie is through a Christian lens in helping each of us to know how God created us to live and function in this world. Intentionality will lead to freedom, so we intentionally seek to understand ourselves and others.

Creating a life you love to live

Have you ever taken a moment to look at your life and suddenly you realize you don't like what you're doing? Maybe it was a job, a relationship you we...
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