Living the Freedom Life

Listens: 67


We give away what we have, let's make sure we receive life.

Guest Ron Clark

So I want to introduce you to a new friend of mine. His name is Ron Clark. We ran into each other on Social Media. He consistently posts genuinely tho...
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Stir the Pot

Have you ever cooked something in a pot? Yeah, I think that’s safe for me to assume, but you never really know. If you’ve ever cooked something in a p...
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Total Recall at a Bar

We’ve recently talked about vacation and usually when you return, people, friends, and co-workers usually ask “Did you have a good vacation?”, “What d...
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Your Steeple

I remember as a kid, when we would go to my Grandparents, there was a certain hill that we would top and I could see in the distance, the town church ...
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Changing Seasons

A few months ago, we did a series in Fall being my favorite season of the year. But there has been a shift. I’m not rescinding my claim, I still love ...
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Hoping for Hope

Do you know the importance of hope? Let me ask this in a different way. Have you ever been in a situation where you just see no other answer and you’v...
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Breaking Boredom

Remember when you were younger and you used to get SO bored? Oh wait, we just spent nearly a year on lockdown, of course you remember...Well, you were...
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When we started this podcast,we had one thing in mind, helping people. Living the Freedom Life Podcast is an introductory product of our Certified Coa...
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Keep a File

Remember last week’s episode about what you drew on a piece of paper? Well, it caused a response that I didn’t expect. As usual, I felt like we should...
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There are 4

If you’ve ever attended one of our classes or had very many coaching sessions, you’ve heard me say that “People only fall into 2 categories; people th...
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