Luke/Acts for Beginners

Listens: 9


This series will review Luke's two-volume historical narrative concerning Jesus' life and ministry as well as the beginning and spread of Christianity in the Roman Empire as he experienced it.

Paul's Journey to Rome

Luke's excellent historical and nautical record of Paul's voyage to Rome and final scene preaching and teaching while awaiting trial.
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Paul's Third Missionary Journey

Luke describes Paul's final journey as a free man working primarily in Ephesus establishing the church that would eventually spread the gospel through...
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Paul's Second Missionary Journey

Mike continues the section describing Paul's second missionary journey and an important meeting at the church in Jerusalem to decide the future of Pau...
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Peter Preaches to the Gentiles

In this lesson, Luke describes the important breakthrough for the early church as Peter begins to proclaim the gospel to non-Jews for the first time.
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