Margins | Insights into the preparation of top-performing athletes

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We publish podcasts and articles about the preparation of top-performing athletes from around the world. We ask the questions that reveal the fine margins that have allowed them to succeed. Whether it’s understanding what drives them, their routines, mental preparation, approach to goal setting or simply their diet; we’re dedicated to achieving one thing: ‘To learn what it takes to perform at the highest level.’ Our members receive one, weekly email introducing them to an athlete, their secrets in self-development, discipline and performance. Having featured Olympians, gold-medallists and world record holders; we’re discover the stories of how athletes have been able to overcame adversity and ultimately achieve their goals in the sporting arena. If you’re an aspiring sportsperson or simply interested in learning what it takes to perform at the highest level, Margins is for you. We hope you’ll join us to discover more.