
Listens: 1


Another dimension (possibly the one next door) wants to share their best kept secret with us! Ladies, gentlemen and some animals, The Southern Realms present to us their #1 radio show - "The Beloved Voice"! (Sponsored by Caribou Electronics) Join the beloved Nimrod and his daft assistant Moo for interplanetary poetry recitals, telepathic interviews with a worryingly obese shoe box salesman, a mysterious young boy trapped inside a shed inside a monochrome forest, an intergalactic prison thriller, the award-winning philosophical travel documentary "The Magical Mistletoe Tour" and last but certainly not least: the six century old spell-binding tale of a rivalry between two lovers that sparked a war that engulfed the entire world, in "The Ancient War of the Magi". FOLLOW: www.facebook.com/mistletoeradio https://twitter.com/Xylem4000 CONTACT @ mistletoe.radio@gmail.com