NDM Public Engagement

Listens: 6


The NDM recognises that public engagement is vital in order to educate, inform and build a relationship with the community. Our scientists are actively engaging in open discussion, and meeting people to debate, listen and learn.

Freeing Voices: Your questions

Specific Language Impairment affects hundreds of thousands of British children, and causes them to have difficulties speaking and understanding langua...
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Drug Discovery: Your questions

How does medicine work? How are new drugs made? What role does the pharmaceutical industry play? Professors Stefan Knapp and Chas Bountra joined Scien...
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Freeing Voices

Specific Language Impairment affects hundreds of thousands of British children, and causes them to have difficulties speaking and understanding langua...
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Drug Discovery

How does medicine work? How are new drugs made? What role does the pharmaceutical industry play? Professors Stefan Knapp and Chas Bountra work in the ...
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