Newsday Opinion

Listens: 11


Hosted by Mark Chiusano, produced by Amanda Fiscina, edited by Rita Ciolli. Season 2: Newsday and Levittown Explore a paper’s crusade and the history of discrimination in Long Island’s foundational suburb. Newsday led the charge for Levittown, a model for post-war suburban living that provided homes for returning veterans. But Levittown was only open to some: whites-only clauses in early leases and discrimination from developer William Levitt prevented African American home-seekers from moving in. Newsday’s editorial board failed to fully address this legacy of discrimination at the time, including an editorial that said a racial issue in Levittown “did not exist.” This podcast investigates the why and the how of Newsday’s blinking when it came to Levittown. Season 1: The Bellwether Two Long Island congressional races, two paths for the country come November. Newsday Opinion's new podcast, The Bellwether, follows Pete King and Lee Zeldin and their Democratic challengers Liuba Grechen Shirley and Perry Gershon as they fight (tightly contested races) in swing districts east of New York City. Will a blue wave overwhelm Republicans on Election Day? These Long Island races have the answer.