Northside Church - Sydney

Listens: 1624


Northside Community Church Podcast, preaching, music and more..

Guest Speaker: Mark Scandrette

Mark is an author, teacher, activist and coach who has written five books on practical spirituality that seek to apply spiritual wisdom to everyday li...
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The Search: For Identity

Am I what I acquire? Am I what I feel? Am I what I was born into? The list goes on. The search for our Identity seems to be one of the trademarks for ...
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The Search: For Other-Worldliness

Preacher: Sam Haddon. Whether it be Yoga, Religion or some other form of Spirituality… how do we account for the inner yearnings of the human heart, f...
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The Search: For Contentment

Happiness. Why does it seem so elusive? Is it possible? How might the Bible inform our pathway to that elusive state called contentment?
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