One in Four: Living with Diabetes

Listens: 6


One in four people are affected by diabetes. This podcast brings together members of the public, health professionals and other subject experts to discuss strategies, tips and support for those living with diabetes.

Diabetes Burnout

Diabetes burnout is a surprisingly common condition and can cover a gamut of emotions from anxiety and irritability to indifference, fear and depressi...
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Katie Alison, Accredited Practising Dietitian and Dr Lisa Robins, Clinical Psychologist discuss Diabulimia is - the intentional misuse of insulin for ...
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Diabetes and food

Is there a special diet for people with diabetes? Can you eat fruit when you have diabetes? Should you cut out all carbs? Accredited Practising Dietit...
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How the NDSS can help you

What is the NDSS? Why should you register and what programs and services are available to you? Credentialled Diabetes Educator, Angela Blair, talks to...
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Understanding diabetes tests

HbA1c, blood glucose levels, cholesterol (lipids), kidney function tests... the list goes on. Why do you need these tests and what do they tell you ab...
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