ONE thought at a time

Listens: 6


This podcast is for those Who can see there is not one right or wrong way to live their lives or their beliefs. Nothing has to be black or white for you. Growing gracefully through life as you navigate it all while living in the grey. Are you done playing small in this world? Great! So am I.


Confusion is so enticing to the brain. In this episode we talk about why this is and why making decisions keeps us moving forward towards the things w...
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It is time to slow down

Today we discuss that the emotions of feeling rushed and hurried. If you want more presence, it will come from your thoughts and has nothing to do wit...
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Look how hard you are trying

I have a lot of thoughts that I believe are TRUE! Sometimes, I want to change them and feel stuck when trying. After all, some beliefs run deep and lo...
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But what if your wrong?

This episode we discuss the BRAINS desire to be right. I also use example of different thoughts and questions and hat help me loosen the grip of wanti...
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This is a quick kntoduction to me and what I want to do for you:)
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