Opera Studies

Listens: 3


The Visiting Professorship of Opera is funded by New College, and invites leading figures in the operatic world to Oxford each year to give instruction and practice in their areas of expertise. Professors take up residence for short periods while they are involved in a variety of sessions which will include lectures, symposia, masterclasses and performance. Events are open to student and public audiences alike. A list of previous and current appointments to the Visiting Professorship, along with individual profiles, can be found at http://www.new.ox.ac.uk/visiting-chair-opera-studies .

Woman. Alone: Directing Opera

Katie Mitchell talks about her time directing Opera. Katie Mitchell is one of the few senior women working in opera in Britain and mainland Europe tod...
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Woman. Alone: Directing Opera

Katie Mitchell talks about her time directing Opera. Katie Mitchell is one of the few senior women working in opera in Britain and mainland Europe tod...
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