Our Damn Podcast

Listens: 12


This is what happens when you take advantage of Colorado's recreational cannabis industry and put a married couple in front of a microphone as they get high. Damn good? Possibly. Damn funny? Up to you. Either way, this is Our Damn Podcast!

S2 | Ep 5 - r/ShowerThoughts

Have you ever been taking a shower and thought to yourself things like: Why do we say we come into this world when we technically come out of it?  If ...
Show notes

Season 2 Announcement!

TODAY IS THE DAY! Well, today was the day. Here’s a quick announcement letting you all know that we haven’t forgotten! 2020, uh, find a way...to compl...
Show notes

Ep 23 - Mad Libs, Part 2!

As a farewell to summer, and to reminisce on all the fun activities the world missed out on this year, we break out an old favorite: Mad Libs! From co...
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