Parallel Passion

Listens: 13


There are a ton of engineering podcasts out there. But they focus on engineering. We strive to be different. Parallel Passion wants to be the podcast that delivers insight into vastly diverse lives of engineers. Have a listen and tell us how we’re doing.

40: Tobias Pfeiffer

Tobi is a developer, leader, benchmarker, Rubyist, Elixir fan, learner, teacher and agile crafter by passion. He loves collaboratively creating just a...
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39: Molly Struve

Molly Struve is a Lead Site Reliability Engineer. During her time working in the software industry, she has had the opportunity to work on some challe...
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38: Tim McNamara

Tim is an open source developer from New Zealand. He is a member of the Juju project's core team at Canonical and enjoys sharing how to make developer...
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37: Steph Smith

Steph has been working remotely for over three years, as a growth marketer, writer, and indie maker. She’s a big advocate for remote work and actively...
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36: John Crepezzi

John is a Ruby developer at GitHub, based in New Jersey. He’s got a ton of other interests including wood & metal working, climbing, beer making, drum...
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35: Rodoljub Petrović

Rodoljub is head of Software at Turtl. He has spent the last two decades developing software and software development teams. He is a husband and a fat...
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34: Phil Sturgeon

Phil builds API Design tools for, writes articles and books about pragmatic API design and systems architecture, lives on a bike, and occ...
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33: Floor Drees

Developer Avocado, serial conference organizer, Rails Girls veteran. Show Notes Rails Girls ( ROSS Conf (https://www.rossconf.i...
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32: Yannick Schutz

Yannick is a little adventures’ photographer. Micro activist loving the outdoor. For him sharing is caring. Dad of a climber/adventurer to be. He does...
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31: Joanne Cheng

Joanne is a Clojure/ClojureScript developer working at Pitch. She currently lives in Berlin, Germany, after living in Colorado for nearly eight years....
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