Paranormal News Podcast

Listens: 6


This show is for you if you’re keen to learn about all things “out of this world” and even unexplained phenomenon in our world. With each episode, we'll explore news stories, government and private reports, and investigations into paranormal activities including UFO sightings, hauntings, and other strange mysteries that seem to defy reality as we know it.You will hear from people who have actually experienced paranormal events along with authors and investigators who are pulling back the curtain and discovering the truth about these strange occurrences.

Senators Briefed on UFOs and More

Show Notes - Episode 1 - "Paranormal News Podcast".This is your host Stephen Carter, saying, “Thank you” for listening. This is the first full episode...
Show notes

Intro Episode

This first episode introduces the, "Paranormal News Podcast". You'll discover how we curate and share news from reputable sources. In addition, you'll...
Show notes