Place of Mind

Listens: 314


The Mpower movement strives to stamp out the stigma associated with mental health concerns. Every single day, people come to Mpower to find a safe space, to share their stories, and to find help. Along the way, Mpower hears the experiences of people managing their mental health issues. We see how these concerns impact the individual as well as the people around them, and how these ordinary men, women, and children learn to cope with mental health issues with our help. Through Place of Mind, Mpower aims to share with the world tales inspired by everyday struggles. By sharing the lived experiences of people, Place of Mind illustrates how all our lives are connected, how we influence each other, and how every single story matters. Each week, Place of Mind will explore the journey of someone coping with a mental health concern. Join us for a journey through the minds of people around you.

Ep. 04: Ryan

“I started getting very low grades for all my homework. I was labeled below average. Even though I would know all the answers in class when I was aske...
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Ep 03: Zaira

“As my fingers slowly touched the skin on my wrist, it was like braille – each one of those bumps told a story. Every scar was a tale of pain that I w...
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Ep. 02: Mirang

“I dreaded waking up. Sleep was difficult for me, as I couldn’t stop thinking. I was exhausted and yet, my mind was racing. I could barely open my eye...
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Ep. 01: Kimaya

“I’m used to it now. I don’t mind talking about it because people just want to know what it’s like, but other times, I get so offended by these questi...
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Place of Mind - Coming Soon

The Mpower movement strives to stamp out the stigma associated with mental health concerns. Every single day, people come to Mpower to find a safe sp...
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