Pockets of Time

Listens: 772


Pockets of time. That’s when the magic happens for us moms - because quite frankly, that’s the only kind of time we have. Here on the Pockets of Time Podcast, your hosts Jisun Park and Susan Chiang, share unfiltered conversations about motherhood, entrepreneurship, creativity, lifestyle, health and wellness, and so much more. Come join us as we talk about the ins and outs of how we’re balancing our roles as full-time moms and creative business owners. Yes, it’s possible. Yes, it’s hard. And no, you’re not alone.

Completing Our 100-Day Projects

In this episode, Jisun and Susan share some takeaways and lessons learned after completing their 100-day project. They reflect on the reasons why they...
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How To Handle Creative Resistance

In this episode, Jisun and Susan talk about their experience with creative resistance - what it feels like, how we deal with it, and how we’ve accepte...
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Checking In: 2020 So Far

Jisun and Susan are back after a short break, and in this episode, they have a quick mid-year check-in discussing how much things have changed since t...
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Nothing You Do Is Ever A Waste

In this episode, Jisun and Susan share how their previous careers and educational backgrounds have carried over into their businesses. While it may se...
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