Questionable Content

Listens: 15


Finally I'm back with more unscripted ramblings for your listening pleasure. Questionable Content is recorded in a 2005 Saab 9-3 during a 7-8 minute commute. New episodes daily... on weekdays... if I'm working... and haven't left my headset at home. That's like ten new episodes each week! On a good week. Ok, so more like several new episodes each week. Usually more than two though, but I'm not making any promises. NB: This Podcast is in no way affiliated with the webcomic Questionable Content or any other podcast with the same name. I just thought I was unique, turns out I wasn't.

045 Preemptive Peeing

Tips and tricks for a better everyday with Coach John Johnson. Today's episode gives you a useful tool called preemtive peeing.
Show notes

039 Special Interests

You will ask yourself what did I just listen to, what was the point of this? Nothing I tell you, NOTHING!
Show notes