Rabbi Alon C Ferency

Listens: 16


Sermons and divre Torah, delivered at Heska Amuna Synagogue, Knoxville, Tennessee, made possible through the generosity of the Hecht and Messing families.

Letting Go

C.S. Lewis said, “Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it's thinking of yourself less.” It's also a piece of Giving Up and Letting Go - Thomas F...
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Covid Lessons

Returning to our Heska Amuna Synagogue, what lessons can we begin to piece together? What do we keep and what do we give up?
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The Acme of Success

In trying times, we ought to rewrite our definition of success. Sometimes, surviving and thriving is its own blessing.
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A Recipe for Joy

In trying times, what can our tradition teach us about remaining buoyant, agreeable, and content?
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The Rule of Law

Law binds us together as a society, but the cords can become frayed. How do we pursue justice with mercy and humility?
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